
Years Experience

About Us

Welcome to Dr. Drusha's Physiogenix

Physiotherapy is more than just treating injuries; it's about empowering individuals to reclaim their independence, enhance their mobility, and improve their quality of life. It's the science of healing through movement, where each stretch, exercise, and technique is a step toward restoring not just the body, but the spirit and mind as well.

Meet Our Doctor

Dr. Drusha Zingade

Dr. Drusha is a Council-certified physiotherapist with years of experience. She is known for her compassionate approach and commitment to providing comprehensive healthcare services to patients of all ages. With expertise in various fields, Dr. Drusha is dedicated to help you achieve optimal health.

  • Quality Treatment

  • Recovery Patient


Hear from our patients

Before After

Our Ultimate Before &
After Outcome

Physiotherapy is not just about healing the body; it's about restoring hope, movement, and the freedom to live life fully.

Before After

Our Client Feedback

Therapy Process

Step to Get Physiotherapy

Make an Appointment

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Get Consultation

Integer feugiat tortor non there are many other nullam In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled

Enjoy Our Therapy

In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents dolor sit amet, consectetur
